@AdventVoice @bmesias063 No I'm glad she's never complained about child support or anything like that, I'm sure one day she will. I've been putting money away for that impending day. If shed answer my letters or phone calls I'd send her more.
I have to go court cause I got caught drinking and driving one night. It's not something I do, and it was an emergancy in my case..trying to get home to care for the old lady before it got too late, after going to a social gathering, and cop pulled me over. He pulled me for speeding I think, and then smelled the alchole sooo..off the jail I went for the night and I've been dealing with court cases ever since.
Yes I hope you stay safe and rest assured I've been stuck at home for months during my impending court cases. You'd think the legal system would take a hyatious, considering they should not be trying to put people in harms way by sending them to nasty prisons in the midst of overcrowding and social distancing violations. It's almost like they are looking for reasons to keep this stuff spreading. Please stay safe my friend.
That is some bad news...I hope you are still fine despite all of these. How come you got court cases? Has to do with that child support or your ex-wife? Man, if so, that woman is so evil she deserves to be punished instead of you.